Banner for National History Day <i>in Massachusetts</i>

National History Day in Massachusetts

Research Links

This page contains a selection of local and national resources to help with your primary and secondary source research. 但不要把自己局限于网上搜索! Some of the best places to start your research include your school or town library (别忘了向图书管理员寻求建议). Many local colleges and universities will let you access their archives if you contact them in advance. You can also do research in historical societiesmuseums, and historic sites一个地方本身可以是一个主要来源.

Quick Digital Research Tips

需要帮助才能找到你要找的东西? These Quick Digital Research Tips videos offer great tips on how to search online archives effectively. 你可以找到更多有用的研究视频 NHD YouTube page.  不要忘记:你最好的资源永远是 ask the librarian directly.


Founded in 1791, the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 有数百万利记APP官网手机版美国的第一手资料.S. 尤其是马萨诸塞州的历史. Their new resource hub, the History Source, 有各种主题的原始资料集吗. Search the "NHD 2023主题标签在网站上找到它们! Additionally, MHS 在线展览和数字收藏 include topics like the Adams FamilyRevolutionary EraSlavery in Massachusetts, the 54th RegimentSuffrage and Anti-Suffrage, and 投票权和政治漫画. Explore their NHD theme page or use their Ask a Librarian chat! The MHS is the state affiliate sponsor for National History Day in Massachusetts.

The Boston Public Library

马萨诸塞州学生的另一个重要资源是 The Boston Public Library, which is 免费供所有马萨诸塞州居民使用. 如果你还没有BPL卡,你可以 在线注册虚拟卡 并立即开始浏览. In addition to books from libraries all over Boston, you will have access to the Norman B. Leventhal Map Centeronline article databases 包括学术期刊档案,比如 JSTOR or Gale Scholarly Resources当前和历史报纸 like the Boston Globe, and much more.


These lists have been created by institutions to highlight parts of their collections that relate to this year's theme, “历史的转折点”:

Or check out these NHD Partner Resources Pages 查看来自全国各地组织的主题列表!


Massachusetts is home to countless incredible resources for your NHD projects. The following sites are reliable and contain excellent digital resources on a wide variety of topics. This is by no means an exhaustive list of Massachusetts archives, and we encourage you to check out your local archives in your city/town and region.

We also remind students that many organizations are working to digitize their materials right now. Even if they don't have what you're looking for online, they may be able to make a copy for you.

哈佛大学图书馆: The Harvard University library system has an incredible range of sources available, including 广泛的数字馆藏. Explore their Hollis Image collection or browse digital collections like Iranian oral histories, 美国18 -20世纪的移民, and much more. Ask for advice using their Ask A Librarian feature. Or check out one of the Harvard's specialty libraries like the two listed below.

Harvard Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America: Browse the Schlesinger Library's massive collections on women's history by starting with their subject guides,或者他们最近策划的一些藏品,比如 Hear Black Women's Voices, The Long 19th Amendment, or the #MeToo数字媒体收藏.  Or get help by 问施莱辛格图书管理员.

Harvard Countway Library's Center for the History of Medicine: This library also has 广泛的数字馆藏 available to the public, 在哪里可以看到 西班牙流感的显微镜载玻片 or explore online exhibits like “这可恶的交通”:医生论奴隶制 or Conceiving the Pill. Or head to Ask Countway to talk to a librarian.

The Mary Baker Eddy Library: Interested in religious history, women's history, or journalism? Mary Baker Eddy was an American religious leader and author who founded The Church of Christ, Scientist, as well as publications like the Christian Science Monitor是一份获得普利策奖的世俗报纸. Questions? 在这里利记手机官网他们的档案管理员!

美国古物协会: The AAS houses the largest collection of printed materials through 1876 in what is now the United States.  Explore digital collections like 美国新闻媒体的历史, children's literature, Victorian Valentines, the Tuskeegee Institute, or the Caribbeana Project.  给他们发邮件询问参考问题 here!

约翰·肯尼迪总统图书馆和博物馆: The JFK Library houses primary-source materials in all formats that document the life, career, and times of John F. 肯尼迪和他的政府.  Browse their digital collections for oral histories, film, photographs, broadcasts, White House papers, and more.  Ask an Archivist for more help!

洛厄尔历史中心本中心是教育资源的宝库, cultural, 以及大洛厄尔地区的历史档案.  Explore the history of the textile mills, or find rich local gems in their digital collections and oral history archives on the Cambodian, Greek, and Portuguese communities in Lowell.

怀纳家族犹太遗产中心: Explore the history of Jewish life in New England by checking out their theme page and visiting their digital archives. Or contact their archivists here!

Northeastern University: In NU's digital collections, you'll find great examples of their local community collecting. Their Beyond Busing collection contains over 4000 sources on Boston school desegregation, 以及他们在波士顿的收藏 Latinx, Asian American, and Lower Roxbury Black 社区是当地历史不可思议的宝库.  Contact NU's Librarians with any questions!


Library of Congress:  The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution and the largest library in the world, 拥有超过1.2亿件商品, and is a great place to start your primary source research. 图书馆的网站有一个很棒的搜索引擎 numerous online resources.  Highlights include Chronicling America,大量收集历史报纸.

National Archives: “The nation's record-keeper” houses general American documents, 兵役记录和移民入籍. Check out their NHD theme page, their 美国历史的学科领域列表, and their 在线展览和可搜索数据库, with highlights like the World Digital Library for world history and DocsTeach 重要的历史文献. 如需当地援助,请利记手机官网国家档案馆。 Boston or Pittsfield branches.

美国公共广播档案: WGBH Boston and the Library of Congress have partnered to preserve the most significant public television and radio programs of the past 60 years.  探索数以千计的电视节目, 地方和全国新闻广播, music, interviews, and more.  Start with their NHD theme page or their introductory webinar, and email AAPB staff 帮你找到你需要的东西!

World History

These are just a small selection of digital archives for World History research.  看不到你感兴趣的区域?  Email us 我们会帮你找一些好的档案来研究!

The World Digital Library: 世界数字图书馆由美国国会图书馆管理, 在教科文组织的支持下创建, and contains a variety of materials from worldwide libraries and collections, 与不同时期有关的, topics, and cultures. 还包括各种时间表和地图.

互联网历史资料书项目: This project by Fordham University offers links to a wide variety of historical texts from around the world broken down by time frame and region. Sources range from Ancient Greek texts to modern American history. 非常适合世界历史主题!

World History Sources:由乔治梅森大学管理, this site contains links and scholarly reviews of thousands of online primary source archives from all around the world.

加勒比数字图书馆: 有60个合作伙伴, the DLOC contains digitized resources pertaining to Caribbean history and culture from libraries and archives around the region. 包括地图、报纸、法律 & legal materials, and more.

南亚开放档案(SOAA): In partnership with JSTOR, this site is a free, open-access resource that includes historical and contemporary materials (books, newspapers, magazines, census data, documents), 包括保存在档案馆的, 该地区的图书馆和机构.

EuroDocs:  Contains digitized primary and secondary sources organized by country and sorted by time period or event.

非洲在线数字档案: The AODL is an open access digital library of African cultural heritage materials created by Michigan State University in collaboration with museums, archives, scholars, 以及世界各地的社区.


数字化跨性别档案基于伍斯特的圣十字学院, the DRA is an online hub for archival material on a broad and inclusive range of non-normative gender history.

Umbra: Search over 400,000 resources available on African American history.

第一次世界大战国际百科全书: This archive is the result of an international collaborative project involving more than 1,000 authors, editors, 以及来自50多个国家的合作伙伴.

The Avalon Project:耶鲁大学法学院出品, contains documents in law, history and diplomacy,  从公元前4000年到现在. Documents are grouped by century and listed alphabetically. 全文,并在最后列出的文件来源.

Medieval Digital Resources: 来自美国中世纪学院, this database contains peer-reviewed resources and digital collections of resources from the Middle Ages.

Slave Voyages:  This website, run by the Emory University Center for Digital Scholarship, draws upon international scholarship and archives from around the Atlantic world on the history of slavery and slave trade.  The site includes Trans-Atlantic and Intra-American slave trade databases and a database of African names, 还有手稿和图像, maps, and essays. 

Massachusetts Historical Societies, Museums, and Historic Sites
